Case Study Packaging Artwork Management - Optimization of graphics supply chain
Case Study
Packaging Artwork Management - Optimization of graphics supply chain
Company profile A large multi-national food manufacturer.
Company profile
A large multi-national food manufacturer.
Business situation
The client is under extreme pressure to reduce cost in every area of the business. They have identified that cost of artwork and reprographics is very significant. They contracted SMC to investigate if there is potential to make substantial savings in this area. (No more details available without client permission)
Technical situation
The client had not reviewed their artwork development for several years and was, not unexpectedly, employing somewhat outmoded artwork development processes. First stage artwork being completed before print ready reprographics were being applied, this was adding very significantly to both cost and lead time The process mirrored the structure of the company with manufacturing happening overseas in all instances. Furthermore use was still being made of hard copy chromilin proofs with associated costs being incurred for their transportation by courier. (No more details available without client permission)
After a relatively brief analysis of the business, SMC recommended that artwork be developed in a one stage process, building both marketing and manufacturing requirements simultaneously. This required some re-engineering and new electronic tools, but more significantly required significant change management activity.
Benefits were significant and swift. 50% cost saving with 30% lead time reduction. The change management programme also helped to increase Right First Time by bringing comment challenges and misconceptions to the fore. This led to a downward revision of standard product launch time from which the company is continuing to reap rewards today.